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Will you take it to your trip together?
Will you take it to your trip together?


Partner of a solo traveler



The secret story behind the creation of IRIOMOTEYAMANEKO.
"IRIOMOTEYAMANECO"="Iriomote Wild Cat"


IRIOMOTEYAMANEKO doll was produced and released back in 2005. It is now a signature product at my store. Ishigaki island and the islands of Yaeyama attract many solo travelers. And I designed and produced thinking that this character could be a great partner for those solo travelers. I have been hand sewing these dolls for over 10 years now. Travelers can share memories with this little buddy on their trips. When they are back to their daily life, they can have them sitting in their office or room; this is why I designed the doll to sit on its feet and tail. I sew the dolls daily at my shop while I wait for my customers to visit. They are all a one of a kind item using fabric from northern Europe and locally died indigo or Bingata dye fabric. Since I hand sew each item, I can only complete one or two each day. It is always low on stock. During golden week and summer holidays it often sells out due to its popularity so please except if it is out of stock. I will list them online when I have enough in stock.



size/18cm Type


price/ 2,480 円

size/63cm Type






新価格 price/ 2,900 円


The basket bag is not included in the price.



新価格 price/ 1,280 円



新価格 price/ 2,680 円



新価格 price/ 2,980 円






Shimaai Farm / Director  Tsuyoshi Ohama

沖縄・石垣島で化学肥料や除草剤を使わない農園でナンバンコマツナギという藍を栽培、収穫、染料抽出、染色、shimaai のオリジナル商品の制作を一貫して行う。大浜さんの協力を得て制作されたのが石垣島の素材にこだわつた「島藍イリオモテヤマネコ」です。新しい沖縄の工芸品として作られた商品です。素材は綿100%布。

Shimaai is a studio in Ishigaki island (Okinawa) setup by Mr. Ohama, who grows and harvests his own indigo (Indigoferasuffruticosa) organically to dye fabric and create original products from them. With his corporation, I produced an original “SHIMAAI IRIOMOTEYAMANEKO”, aiming to be a new specialty product from Ishigaki, Okinawa. The fabric is 100% cotton.





Ku-Ya  Director / Dyeing and Weaving artisan Humie Kyoda

ポリテクカリッジ京都染色技術科卒業 人間国宝・玉那覇有公氏に師事 2001年沖展染部門大賞受賞  琉球王国の時代、主に王族や士族の衣装として染められていた「紅型(びんがた)」。紅型作家の許田さんが染色した布を使って製作、素材も絹100%という贅沢なイリオモテヤマネコです。許田さんは上記の大浜さんとご兄妹です。

Graduated from Polytechnic Institute Kyoto, studying dye and staining technics.After graduation studied under Yuko Tamanaha (Living national treasure of Japan).One a grand prize in Oki-ten dye category in 2001. “Bingata” is a dye technic unique to Okinawa passed down for generations. In the old days this specially dyed fabric was only allowed for the higher ranked officials.The fabric for this product is specially dyed by Ms. Kyoda, an extravagant product using 100% silk fabric. Mr. Ohama and Ms. Kyoda are brother and sisters.





Cartonnage  COLORS

Naomi Takizawa, Cartonnage artist/ Representative of Cartonnage COLORS

カルトナージュ作家。カルトナージュ(Cartonnage)とは、厚紙で組み立てた箱などに紙や布を貼り付けて仕上げるフランスの伝統的な手芸。フランス額装&カルトナージュ作家、広岡ちはる氏に師事。カルトナージュのアトリエ専属講師を経て独立、2016年4月にカルトナージュの教室、「Cartonnage COLORS」をスタート。オーダー製作、東京・用賀のアトリエ、西荻窪などでカルトナージュ教室を開く。正確、丁寧な作業と長年続けているパッチワークで学んだ布合わせを生かした作品が秀逸。

Cartonnage artist. Cartonnage is a form of handicraft art traditionally formed in France, using unique paper or fabric pasted on a box. Naomi Takizawa studied under cartonnage and frame artist Chiharu Hirooka. Worked as an exclusive lecturer at a cartonnage studio, in April 2016 she opened her own studio“Cartonnage COLORS”. She works on orders, has a workshop in Youga/Tokyo, and runs a school in Nishiogikubo. Her thorough and accurate work and her knowledge of patchwork which she has been working on for a long time comes to life on her cartonnage art.

​105BOX 2nd.


BOX size  /  W=30.7cm  D=28.4cm  H=7.5cm

price/153,900 円


Contributions to the Yamaneko fundraising is included.


IRIOMOTE YAMANEKO is categorized IA in the endangered species list on the red data book, they only live on Iriomote island and are said that only above 100 are left.


Iriomote-Yamaneko is an endangered species exclusive to Iriomote Island, it is said that there are only about a 100 of them left. The concept of this cartonnage is to show how few a hundred actually is, and to show the crisis of the matter. The Iriomote-Yamaneko are nocturnal and are often involved in car accidents. This cartonnage is created with fabric from north Europe with a design of automobiles, to present the life of those wild cats running away from the cars trying to live another day. We pray that there will be more wild cats in the deep forests of Iriomote Island, and so they could coexist with the local people.

We save wild cats 
from Traffic accident!


The Iriomote Yamaneko (wild cat) is an endangered species living on Iriomote island.  There are only about 100 of them left. They are nocturnal animals, who get involved in car accidents often. I contribute to a fundraiser conducted by an animal clinic run by an NPO to save the wild cats from injuries which is the result of car accidents. I am thankful to all your corporations. If you do have a chance to drive in Iriomote island, please drive slowly to protect the wild animals on the island. I report my donations from time to time on my blog, if you click on the heart icon, you can see past posts about the donations. I usually donate every 3 months or so, depending on the amount of donations contributed.


Contributions to the Yamaneko fundraising is included.



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